The New York show is coming up. I'm singing a big piece for it. Not big in the sense that it's a grand show-stopper, nor in the sense that it's terrifically long, it's just a bombastic, wonderful, if a little high, piece.
My high school choir master and theory teacher is coming. He was a major influence in my musical life, and in my thinking style in general.
My friend Maggie from my early days in New York will be there. My friend Jack will be there. Not that Jack. Another Jack. He's a smashing musician, and I'm so looking forward to seeing him. My friend Brian from the really old, pre-New York days will be there. It's some pressure, but will be a great party...
Passover is coming up, and I'm hosting this year. I'm taking a culinary detour and making baked black cod (in addition to the de rigeur gefilte fish and brisket). I found an amazing and simple recipe for baked black cod that rivals the best that we've had in restaurants.
This Sunday, Carter gets his Hebrew name. I've been working fevorishly on the service and the program, and I'm pretty excited to get the programs printed out.
I've gotten in touch with a lot of people whom I haven't seen nor talked to in a while. This has been satisfying.
All in all, things are great. Utah was incredible. Great shows, and the best skiing of my life.